“On the Trail” n°42
Quarterly information and analysis report on endangered animals poaching and smuggling
(pdf, 177 pages – 5.4 Mo)
1,062 events with references, checked, analysed, commented and strengthened
between September 1 and October 31, 2023.
215 iconographic documents, 7 maps and historical archives.
880 sources.
Coat of arms of the Republic of North Ossetia (Russia) (see page 34, ref. 38)
“On the Trail” is not a business. Of course, we’re talking about our beloved elephants, whales and wolves, but we’re also alongside ocelots and saiga antelopes, musk deer and guanacos, common marmosets, not forgetting Hercules beetles, vultures, yellow-chevroned parakeets, urials, tarantulas, hedgehogs, axolotls, sea cucumbers and many others.
“On the Trail” is a documentary collection which pays tribute to those who, on every continent and in every country, whatever their political regime or religion, fight to safeguard the wonderful world of wild animals and who uncovered cruelty, smuggling, trafficking and trends.
Selected quotes
“Screw USFWS. They are a gang of orangutans.” (see p.128, ref.1).
“Tens of thousands of tourists visit the Seychelles. Their surface area is only 455 km2. When do you think their reef will disappear if every tourist takes 3 kg of coral with them in their suitcase?” (Polish Customs) (see p.143, ref.8)
“They say that everyone’s tastes are different. However, we didn’t like this particular Szczecin resident’s taste.” (Polish Customs) (see p.118, ref.14)
– “On the Trail” is familiar with the hair curler, suit and pants networks. The bra network is now emerging (see p.80, ref.31, and p.120, ref.6).
– To address the effects of budget cuts and withstand the tidal wave of trafficking, the institutions responsible for fighting poaching and wildlife smuggling are increasingly calling on civil society to sound the alarm. This is the case, for example, in the United States, Canada, Brazil, Ecuador, Iran, Indonesia, Malaysia and Chad.
– 60% of trafficking cases involving animal and plant species protected by CITES and national laws are linked to transnational criminal organisations involved in trafficking other illegal products. This is one of the findings of Operation Thunder, conducted by Interpol in 133 countries with the World Customs Organization from October 2 to 27, 2023 (see p.130, ref.1). Operation Wave Breaker carried out in Hong Kong between August and September 2023 confirms this versatility. Shark fins, bottles of wine and electronic products were seized from 2 river freighters leaving Hong Kong and heading for mainland China (see p.154, ref.15).
– Narcotics and endangered species go hand in hand in traffickers’ hideouts (see p.50, ref.11, p.93, ref.86, p.97, ref.111, and p.114, ref.41).
– Some poaching “miscellaneous news” are in fact social issues. In the United States, 17-year-old sub-adults at the wheel of their parents’ pick-up go out on a jaunt at night to shoot bears with .44 Magnum and 12-gauge Remington after dazzling them (see p.43, ref.7).
The 5-year diplomatic efforts between the Philippines and Indonesia have been crowned with success. 73 birds strictly protected by CITES, including cockatoos, seized in the Philippines in March 2018 were repatriated to Indonesia in October 2023. They were in good health thanks to the care they received in the Philippines (see p.90, ref.63).
– Albania. Riddled with bullets, the common buzzard was crucified alive on a fence. Unfortunately, the vets had to finish it off (see p.100, ref.127).
– Norway. The Kato, a Norwegian whaler, without having the aura or autonomy of the Japanese Kangei Maru, caught 204 minke whales between April and September 2023 (see p.165, ref.10).
– South Africa. The plundering of abalone with violence continues (see p.146, ref.1). Will this wasteful exploitation spread to France? (see p.146, ref.8).
Tom Eckersley and Eric Lombers for the United Kingdom Ministry of Food, circa 1951.
Issue 42 of “On the Trail”. 177 pages (pdf).
This substantial work is available free of charge. It was produced and translated by 7 women and 4 men aged between 20 and 77, of French, American and Ecuadorian nationality, thanks to donations from the Fondation Brigitte Bardot, the Fondation Franz Weber, donors and members of Robin des Bois and the sponsorship of the Séché Environnement Group.