We are pleased to announce the publication of the 5th edition of « On the Trail », Information and analysis bulletin on animal poaching and smuggling.
1st April – 30th June 2014. 132 pages, 506 events.
Whales and marine mammals, pages 10 to 12
English version (pdf 7,2 Mo):
Numerous messages have been sent to Robin des Bois from Africa, Asia, Europe and the American continent. They come from Custom officers, CITES delegates, governmental institutions, Non-Governmental Organizations and from the general public. They all testify to the usefulness of “A la Trace” and the English version “On the Trail”, », Information and analysis bulletin on animal poaching and smuggling.
The closer that species bearing marketable substances come to global or local extinction, the more the means to attack and to defend them turn murderous. The human death toll in this war on wildlife is increasing.
Thefts of seizures, including from governmental safety vaults, are multiplying. These hold-ups yield, for those who organize them, more money than bank and cash transportation robberies.
Smuggling of live felines and monkeys are increasing as well as the smuggling of skulls and bones, notably of gorillas and elephants.
There is a general tendency to more severe sentences on traffickers, as well as harder judgments but release on bail is still common.
Archaic practices such as the use of poisoned arrows and trap jaws clash with modern techniques used by criminal police. DNA test are used to convict tiger hunters in India and to trace horns and ivory seized by African custom officers.
“On the Trail” n°5: 506 events at the heart of smuggling and poaching endangered species on land and at sea.