“On the Trail” n°7
“On the Trail” n°7.
Information and analysis bulletin on animal poaching and smuggling
1st October – 31st December 2014.
pdf 132 pages, 7.1 Mo.
Ship-breaking # 38
Breaking at sea :
- the Forsaken ones
- the Sunken ones
- from cattle traffic to Human trafficking
- India : 200 ship scrapping workers on an asbestos-contaminated aircraft carrier
The end of :
France is listening to the elephants’ call
The decision to immediately suspend exports of whole or cut elephant tusks from France announced by Madam Royal, Minister of Ecology, is good. France has also vowed to promote such measure within the European Union.
In 2014, over 3 tons of raw ivory were sold in auction houses in France. This entire amount of ivory was bought by foreign citizens, especially from Asia. In France, ivory is sold between 300 and 1000 € per kilo. In China, prices at present are as high as 6000 to 7000 € per kilo.
Raw ivory sales in France and its export encourage speculation on ivory. Using the cover of legal ivory, ivory networks in Asia sell off illegal ivory.
Cosmos 954 downfalls
Nuclear Code of Silence
Thirty-seven years ago, the Russian nuclear powered satellite Cosmos 954 returned to Earth during its 2060th revolution. Its debris crashed on the Canadian Far North close to the Arctic. It was the 24th of January 1978, 11h53 Universal Time, 5h53 at Yellowknife on the banks of Great Slave Lake, Northwest Territories Canada.
The decade 1970-1980 is marked by the worldwide launch of nuclear-based electricity. It is the height of the Atoms for Peace campaign launched in the 1950s to erase the horrors of the atomic bombs dropped on Japan. Nuclear for all is on the way.
Cosmos 954 downfalls – 2015
Nuclear Code of Silence
Thirty-seven years ago, the Russian nuclear powered satellite Cosmos 954 returned to Earth during its 2060th revolution. Its debris crashed on the Canadian Far North close to the Arctic. It was the 24th of January 1978, 11h53 Universal Time, 5h53 at Yellowknife on the banks of Great Slave Lake, Northwest Territories Canada.
The decade 1970-1980 is marked by the worldwide launch of nuclear-based electricity. It is the height of the Atoms for Peace campaign launched in the 1950s to erase the horrors of the atomic bombs dropped on Japan. Nuclear for all is on the way.