(Français) Transport maritime de marchandises : comment freiner cette pollution exponentielle?
Whales in the red n°3
International Whaling Commission
Portoroz – Press release n°3
After the mass strandings of pilot whales, gray whales and sperm whales since the beginning of the year on the beaches or in the creeks of the world ocean, now it is the turn of the International Whaling Commission to hit rock bottom. The accident was recorded in Portoroz, Slovenia, on the Adriatic coast, during and after the 68th plenary session. The international experts and NGOs who are at its bedside are trying to refloat it.
Whales in hot water n°2
International Whaling Commission
Portoroz – Press release n°2
The ecocide of whales, out of sight and out of compassion and for the greatest profit of civilian and military industrialists, had turned the global ocean red from 1900 to 1989 before it almost died out in the year 2000. But there remain embers and resumptions of fire. Stories about the sovereignty and food supremacy of humanity and the upholding of traditional cultures are heard and still unfortunately being tolerated and even encouraged.