(Français) COVID-19: abandon de masques, de gants et de mouchoirs en milieu urbain – reportage photos

8 Apr 2020

(Français) COVID-19: abandon de masques, de gants et de mouchoirs en milieu urbain – reportage photos

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Pangolin, business as usual

3 Apr 2020

Pangolin, business as usual

Seizure on 31 March 2020 of 6.16 tons of pangolin scales with an estimated value of 17.9 million US$ or 2,900 US$/kg. The final destination could only be China. Wildlife smuggling always goes to the country with the highest demand and the highest bidder (cf. Robin des Bois’ “ Atlas of the Business of Endangered Species “, published by Arthaud in October 2019, in French only).

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(Français) Les faces cachées du Covid-19

2 Apr 2020

Only in French.

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(Français) Les faces cachées du Covid-19

2 Apr 2020

Only in French.

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(Français) Les faces cachées du Covid-19

2 Apr 2020

Only in French.

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