(Français) Consultation publique – demande d’autorisation de recours à un équivalent pour assurer le retour au Japon de déchets
“Shipbreaking” #72, the International Shipbreaking Show
“Shipbreaking” #72
the Bulletin of information and analysis on end-of-life ships
April-May-June-July-August-September 2024
97 pages – 128 sources (16.8 Mo)
Elementary, my dear Watson!
The Kingdom of Denmark allowed in the special autonomous region of Greenland between 2013 and 2023 the harvest of 30,764 harbour porpoises, 4,772 narwhals, 2,956 long-finned pilot whales, 2,457 belugas, 1,787 common minke whales, 1,572 white-sided or white-beaked dolphins, 274 killer whales, 77 fin whales, 57 northern bottlenose whales, 49 humpback whales and 2 bowhead whales.