Shipbreaking 2016 Overview: Death is prowling in the shipscrapping yards, Europe exports more and more, Bangladesh and India are side by side, container ships are quickly finished off
Update, January 10, 2017
Death is prowling in the shipscrapping yards
2016 has been branded with November 1st drama at Gadani, Pakistan, when the explosion of the FPSO (Floating Production Storage and offloading) tanker Aces ex-Federal 1 caused 28 losses of life, 4 missing and tens of badly wounded and burnt. The ex ship was at the time holding several thousands tons of residual bunker oil and a number of gas cylinders. Families in mourning will receive each 1.5 million rupees, i.e. 14, 000 US$.
Anywhere else, fires aboard during scrapping are spilling toxic fumes in the atmosphere while losses of life by falls of metal pieces, electric shocks, explosions and gas inhalations are common.
Maersk keeps on getting rid of its garbage off Brittany
After having abandoned 517 containers fallen overboard the Svendborg Maersk on February 14, 2014 off Brest, the Danish shipping company Maersk is reoffending today with the wrecks of the Maersk Searcher and Maersk Shipper while they were sailing in a convoy from Denmark towards the demolition yards of Aliaga, Turkey. The 2 offshore supply tugs were towed by the Maersk Battler which was, according to informations collected by Robin des Bois, also doomed to be demolished in Turkey.
“Shipbreaking” #45, July 1 – September 30, 2016
“Shipbreaking” #45
Bulletin of information and analysis on ship demolition
from July 1 to September 30, 2016
– Update on ship demolition in Europe.
– The historical destinations.
– A supply vessel involved in the fight against the Olympic Bravery oil spill has left to be broken up.
– The hasty scrapping of container ships.
– Update on the Modern Express.
– Update on the disaster on Gadani ship dismantling beach (Pakistan).
“Shipbreaking” # 44, April 1 – June 30, 2016
“Shipbreaking” # 44 (pdf – 8 Mo)
Bulletin of information and analysis on ship demolition
from April 1 to June 30, 2016 (pdf, 90 p. – 8 Mo)
– The Panama Papers in the troubled waters of shipbreaking
– Alang is the first class beaching for Maersk
– More and more oil platforms on the beach
– A North Korean freighter to be scrapped in Mexico
– The Spanish aircraft carrier is looking for her final destination
– The latest news from in situ breakings of shipwrecks
Corse Exfiltration
Background Note:
The Corse, an old ferry of the SNCM, IMO 8003620, was constructed by the shipyard Dubigeon Normandie in Prairie-au-Duc in 1983.
She has not sailed since 2014 and is no longer being maintained. For Europe, this is a sub-standard vessel that would never be authorized to resume service in its waters.
“Shipbreaking” #43, January 1 to March 31, 2016
“Shipbreaking ” # 43
Quarterly bulletin of information and analysis on end-of-life ships.
January 1 to March 31 (pdf, 85 p. – 8 Mo)
Panama Papers in Brest
The Captain Tsarev has been rusting for 7 and a half years in basin n°5 of the commercial port of Brest. Built in 1982 in Lübeck (Germany), 153.60m in length, the ship suffered an engine failure and was towed to the Brittany port in November 2008. She never left. The crew has not been paid, 15 of the 24 Russian and Ukranian crew members disembarked in February 2009, the others remained on board until September 2009. The Captain Tsarev has been visited, pillaged, squatted, and suffered a fire in September 2014. The Russian ship-owner based in Piraeus (Greece) no longer gives any sign of life. The vessel is a dump. She contains 4 to 500 t of extinguishing water following the fire, asbestos and 5 to 600 t of fuel. She flies the Panama flag.