Whales and Marines Mammals

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“On the Trail” n°21, the defaunation bulletin

31 Jul 2018

“On the Trail” n°21, the defaunation bulletin

Quarterly information and analysis report on animal poaching and smuggling
792 events from the 1th April to the 30 of June 2018
124 pages, 4,7 Mo

Whales and marine mammals, pages 14 to 16

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“On the Trail“ n°20, the defaunation bulletin

21 May 2018

“On the Trail“ n°20, the defaunation bulletin

Quarterly information and analysis report on animal poaching and smuggling
792 events from the 1th January to the 31 of March 2018
pdf – 134 pages, 5 Mo
Whales and marine mammals, pages 18 to 20

Primates p. 56
It’s war on orangutans in Indonesia and Malaysia. The scientific report published in February in Current Biology established that between 1999 and 2015 nearly 150,000 specimens “disappeared” under pressure from palm oil, the

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“On the Trail” n°19

26 Feb 2018

“On the Trail” n°19

Quarterly information and analysis bulletin on animal poaching and smuggling
770 events. October 1st to December 31, 2017
134 pages illustrated
pdf – 6.4 Mo
Original in French
Whales and marine mammals, page 15

Sea Cucumbers – page 7
Sea cucumbers are on sea bottoms and low grounds of repute.

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“On the Trail” n°18

24 Nov 2017

“On the Trail” n°18

“On the Trail” n°18
Quarterly information and analysis bulletin on animal poaching and smuggling
748 events. July 1 to September 30, 2017
124 pages illustrated
pdf – 4.3 Mo
Original in French
Whales and marine mammals, pages 13 to 15

KO and Ciao abalones (Haliotis spp.) – p.5
On August 7, the South African Department of Fisheries discontinued the granting of fishing licenses. Abalone catching falls into the hands of Cape Town gangs and the Chinese mafia. On the local marketplace, the price per kg has hit $400 US. It was $40 US in 2008. Violence and corruption are almost alone to flank the exploitation and then smuggling of the marine gastropods. Even the farms are looted.
The European Union, and in particular France, Spain, Italy, Portugal, and the United Kingdom, would be well-advised to carefully examine this black market, which started originally from recreational and subsistence fishing. They can learn from this example, in order to prevent the extinction of abalone and other rocks and tidal flats dependent species.

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“On the Trail” n°17

1 Aug 2017

“On the Trail” n°17
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“On the Trail” n°16

19 May 2017

“On the Trail” n°16, information and analysis bulletin on animal poaching and smuggling
697 events from the 1st January to the 31 of March 2017
116 illustrated pages
Whales and marine mammals, pages 12 to 13

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(Français) Dauphins et Orques

9 May 2017

(Français) Dauphins et Orques

Only in French.

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The International Poaching and Smuggling Show

2 Feb 2017

The International Poaching and Smuggling Show

“On the Trail” n°15
Information and analysis bulletin on animal poaching and smuggling
October 1 – December 31, 2016
670 events, 455 sources
122 illustrated pages – 6 Mo
Whales and marine mammals, pages 10 and 11

The Indian government has published a cohabitation guide between leopards and populations. Covering more than 3 million km2, India has 1,3 billion inhabitants and 10,000 to 12,000 leopards. 30 to 40 fatal accidents following attacks would occur each year. The guide explores all means of reducing conflicts, gives all the keys of the leopard behavior and gives clear instructions to forestry services. Do not kill, at worst anesthetize. On the contrary, the French parliament has just strengthened the legal capacity to kill wolves. There are about 300 of them on 550,000 km2. Enraged politicians organized a wolf and bearhunting in the rows of the National Assembly. The Senate was also stormed by Wolfcatchers Royals. The verbatim are overwhelming. Nothing about the positive contributions of the wolves. The watchword is to eradicate them as if the wolf was a disease. See page 58 and pages 72-73.

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Ivory Theft in the Seine Bay

30 Nov 2016

Ivory Theft in the Seine Bay

An adult sperm whale was found stranded in the Seine mouth on Friday, November 25, 2016 downstream to Port 2000, Le Havre. The carcass is still in place. Thieves have snatched or cut the ivory teeth. A biologist confirms that teeth are quickly stolen from the sperm whales carcasses after their stranding.

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“On the Trail” n°14 – 1st July – 30th September 2016

16 Nov 2016

“On the Trail” n°14 – 1st July – 30th September 2016

“On the Trail” n°14
Information and analysis bulletin on animal poaching and smuggling
n°14 / 1st July – 30th September 2016
112 pages (6.8 Mo)
Whales and marine mammals, page 11

Bags stuffed with monkeys, turtles, pangolins, ivory and birds, cruelty and money go together. Countless victims of so-called sustainable palm oil. Scared eyes and rangers who die or bring up cubs on the bottle.
112 illustrated pages.

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