Elephants and Ivories

En 1986, Robin des Bois publie « Eléphants et ivoire végétal ». Un an plus tard, une élégante bande d’éléphants masqués tout droit sortis d’Art Déco et de Sherwood envahit les trafiquants d’ivoire à Paris. En 1988 les éléphants masqués saluent à Lausanne la décision d’interdire le commerce international de l’ivoire. Une victoire colossale. En 1997, le cartel de l’ivoire réussit à rouvrir les vannes du commerce international. Une défaite abyssale. C’était à Harare capitale du Zimbabwe. Le journal gouvernemental titre « L’Afrique australe gagne la guerre de l’ivoire ». Robin des Bois répond par « Harare humanum est ». De cette erreur, les éléphants ne se remettent pas.

(Français) Eléphants – travailler d’abord – décider après

18 Jun 1997

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Peace for elephants

16 Jun 1997


CITES is devoted to regulating international trade of animal and plant species and derivatives. Now, there is a split between consumers and a few African ivory range states producers : the first are, under the current trade status, reluctant to buy ivory – including Japan where 60 environmental groups signed-on to an open letter against the downlisting – but the producers want to sell ivory at all costs.

Through the regulation of international trade, CITES obviously has as its ultimate aim the long-term conservation of threatened species. In this case it is concerned with Loxodonta africana, and cannot consider changing its guidelines according to political and administrative borders. The African elephant population is clearly distinguished through biological continuity throughout the African continent. Though, elephants are said to be intelligent, they could not expected to understand that, for instance, along the northern Zambesi bank they are listed on Appendix I, while along the southern bank, they could be subject to trade. The three southern African proposals are not acceptable because elephants are a migratory species and are listed as such by the Bonn Convention on migratory species. Thus, they must form the subject of regional and interregional arrangements. African elephants could contribute to unifing African countries.

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(Français) Harare : le piège se referme sur les éléphants

11 Jun 1997

Only in French.

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(Français) Un risque majeur pour les éléphants

16 May 1997

Only in French.

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(Français) L’ivoire : le retour

2 Nov 1994

Only in French.

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(Français) La Flèche n°26

3 Oct 1994

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Beaubourg or Rhinoceros Sex

12 Sep 1994

– Robin des Bois action
Since two o’clock today the french environmental association Robin des Bois has taken over the Grand Gallery on the 5th floor of the Pompidou Centre to protest against the commentaries accompanying a work of Joseph Beuys called “Die Hörner” which is composed of two black African rhinoceros horns with two blood-filled tubes.

In the catalogue Joseph Beuys, edited by the Pompidou Centre, Fabrice Hergott –the exhibition commissioner- writes that “Die Hörner” (the horns) “…is the most suggestive work” of Beuys, which evokes “an aggregation of animality and eroticism”.

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(Français) La Flèche n°19

1 May 1992

Only in French.

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(Français) L’Afrique protège ses éléphants

10 Mar 1992

Only in French.

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(Français) La Flèche n°18

1 Feb 1992

Only in French.

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