Elephants and Ivories

En 1986, Robin des Bois publie « Eléphants et ivoire végétal ». Un an plus tard, une élégante bande d’éléphants masqués tout droit sortis d’Art Déco et de Sherwood envahit les trafiquants d’ivoire à Paris. En 1988 les éléphants masqués saluent à Lausanne la décision d’interdire le commerce international de l’ivoire. Une victoire colossale. En 1997, le cartel de l’ivoire réussit à rouvrir les vannes du commerce international. Une défaite abyssale. C’était à Harare capitale du Zimbabwe. Le journal gouvernemental titre « L’Afrique australe gagne la guerre de l’ivoire ». Robin des Bois répond par « Harare humanum est ». De cette erreur, les éléphants ne se remettent pas.

“On the Trail” n°12

13 Jun 2016

“On the Trail” n°12

“On the Trail” n°12
Poaching and trafficking around the world
January, February, March 2016
114 pages (6.5 Mo)
Rhinoceroses and elephants, pages 66 to 96

Three heroes: the pilot of a helicopter shot down by poachers in Tanzania (p. 80), Chandni the female leopard in suburban Mumbai (p. 53), and No Border, an East African elephant (p. 77)
Donkeys are also targeted by Chinese expats (p. 97) …
And black baza is sold in baskets in hair salons in Malaysia (p. 32).

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(Français) Défense d’ivoire

30 Apr 2016

(Français) Défense d’ivoire

Only in French.

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Ivory burn launches campaign for global ivory trade ban

28 Apr 2016

NGO 28 April comm press final-FR

Conservationists welcome move to tighten international legal protection for elephants

As Kenya prepares to burn 105 tonnes of stockpiled ivory on Saturday 30 April – the largest destruction of ivory in Africa’s history and seven times the size of any ivory stockpile destroyed so far – non-governmental organizations working to save elephants are praising African countries for their plans to secure a permanent ban on the global ivory trade and the destruction of ivory stockpiles worldwide.

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(Français) Bonne nouvelle pour les éléphants Mauvaise nouvelle pour les trafiquants

4 Apr 2016

Only in French.

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“On the Trail” n°11

9 Mar 2016

“On the Trail” n°11

“On the Trail” n°11

The staggering world of wildlife poaching and smuggling
Quarterly Information and Analysis Bulletin

n°11: 1st October – 31th December 2015
100 pages of cruelty, corruption, courage, amazement, and beauty (6.6 Mo)
Rhinoceroses, elephants and mammoths, pages 56 to 87

Discover caviar in a coffin, ivories in trailers and containers.
Explore the wigs and tailors networks.
Rescue vultures and worry about bears.

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Elephants killed and smugglers released

11 Dec 2015

Following an important smuggled ivory seizure in Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris in the luggage of two Vietnamese traffickers, the NGO Robin des Bois and Fondation Brigitte Bardot deplore that this significant action ended up in the almost immediate release of the suspects.
These two individuals were transiting from Angola via Addis-Ababa, Ethiopia and about to leave for Hanoi. They were released after 5 hours police custody.
According to the article L 415-6 of the Environment Code and 132-71 of the Penal Code, they are liable to 7 years imprisonment and 150,000 euros fine.

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“On the Trail” n°10

1 Dec 2015

“On the Trail” n°10

“On the Trail” n°10 is now available.
Information and analysis bulletin on animal poaching and smuggling

The wildlife crime scene of July, August and September 2015
80 pages PDF, 5.7 MB
Rhinoceroses and elephants, pages 45 to 67

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“On the Trail” n°9

29 Jul 2015

“On the Trail” n°9
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(Français) Les rhinocéros font Caen-Cannes

9 Jul 2015

Only in French.

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(Français) Mali, la paix aussi pour les éléphants

22 Jun 2015

Only in French.

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