Press release n°2
CITES – Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
17th Conference of the Parties. Johannesburg – South Africa
September 24 to October 5, 2016
– With a flurry of mailings and pathetic declarations, the WWF floods the world with calls for help to save elephants. The surface speech is in red and black tones as it should, emotionally correct, touching its members and supporters.
– Behind the scenes of ministries and conventions, the WWF has been campaigning for 26 years so that the legal ivory trade remains ajar. The WWF has its foot in the door and does not pull out. To the bloodshed and cruelty of poaching, the WWF wants to add the poison of legal trade and opposes to the return of all elephant populations in Appendix I of CITES, which would ban international ivory trade. Unfortunately, this murky speech is taken over by the majority of countries of the European Union, Belgium and Germany in the lead.
The listing in Appendix I is not the silver bullet that alone would ensure the survival of elephants in Africa and Asia. It must be associated with the progressive shutdown of domestic markets, the destruction of ivory stocks, the strengthening of penalties for poaching and smuggling networks and highlighting cultural and economical value for national parks and other natural protected areas in all countries in Africa and Asia which still host elephants.
See as well
Anticorruption release, September 23, 2016