
(Français) PCB : miracles à Paris et dans le Nord

23 Feb 2010

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Pernicious PCB

12 Feb 2010

Pernicious PCB

 The environmental, sanitary, and social catastrophe due to PCB is propagated to the point that it now affects the sea and international waters. The sardines move, are eaten by carnivorous fish, and enter into the composition of fish meal. PCB accumulates and becomes concentrated in the higher levels of the food chain.

Robin des Bois publishes the map of interior and maritime waters struck by bans on fishing, consuming, or transporting all or particular species of fish. This map is comparable to an inventory of land sites polluted by PCB, regularly updated by Robin des Bois, and of which the newest version will be released at the end of next week.

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(Français) Lettre ouverte au maire hygiéniste de Granville

19 Aug 2009

Only in French.

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On Whales and their Usefulness

24 Jun 2009

On Whales and their Usefulness

On Whales and their Usefulness (pdf 20 pages 1Mo)

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(Français) Les vaches et les radiateurs électriques

28 May 2009

(Français) Les vaches et les radiateurs électriques

Only in French.

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(Français) Chronique des vaches sacrifiées

20 Feb 2009

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An Alang scheme

10 Sep 2008

Within the framework of adapting the fishing fleet to the European policy, hundreds of boats will be demolished in France from now until the end of the year. Each owner receives a substantial compensation bonus from the European Union and the French State which could reach up to 600,000 €. The bonus is calculated taking into account the age of the vessel, its size, the type of fishing and the related catch quota and finally the engine’s power. The paying of this bonus is triggered by a proof of destruction or of the incapacity to navigate.

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Beijing 2008 : rings made of ivory

31 Jul 2008

Beijing 2008 : rings made of ivory

On 16th July, 2008 in Geneva, three weeks before the opening of the Olympic Games, China was given authorization to act as a commercial licensed partner within the legal elephant ivory traffic. Thus, the biggest black market for ivory in the world will consolidate its position. Thousands of ivory retailers throughout China can hold their heads up high as they cooly welcomed the tourists of olympic games. Within a couple of months according to the CITES program (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora), the price of 108 t of ivory stocks auctionned by South Africa, Botswana, Namibia and Zimbabwe is expected to increase after China’s accreditation, Japan being till now the only legal candidate. As a matter of fact, little legal ivory is sufficient to launder a lot of illicit ivory and there is no doubt the price of ivory will skyrocket after China’s entry into ivory stock exchange.

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(Français) L’information en queue de poisson

29 May 2008

Only in French.

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(Français) La pêche de plaisance est-elle compatible avec le fair play ?

5 May 2008

Only in French.

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