The 62nd plenary session of the International Whaling Commission will be held in Agadir from June 21st to 25th. The fate of a surrealistic and double-dealing compromise will be decided there, that would confirm for 10 years Japanese, Norwegian and Icelandic whaling, from the Arctic to Antarctica. This document, a hybrid product of dialogue between a few IWC member states, includes target-species such as Fin whales, Minke whales, Humpback whales, Southern Right Whales, Bryde whales, Sei whales and Sperm whales. Of course, the return of hunting will be stamped and certified by the presence of observers aboard the whaling fleets. They will not work for charity. Their official salary is billed to the IWC and contributions made by European member states will grow from 800.000 to 1.500.000 euros per year altogether. Efforts will be made and financed too so as that whales be not exposed during capture and killing to unneeded pain. All is done to ensure the well-being of the whales while they are speared.
To complete the squaring of the circle, the promoters of the scheme deny this revival the title of commercial whaling. May no one fret, the 1986 moratorium is to be maintained. Worst than an obfuscating discourse, this is liquor distilled by communicational and global manipulation spin doctors; the marine version of Orwell’s masterpiece, “Animals Farm”.
After this decade long taste, appetites will have been sharpened and South Korea is already claiming it’s contribution to the quarry.
Faced with this threat, the European Union, infiltrated by Denmark, called upon by Island and roped down by Norway, three countries in favour of whaling, has not yet a clear stand, as it is often the case when it comes to carrying a firm and strong common voice useful to biodiversity. The task rests on whales advocates such as Australia or Monaco to refuse this lure and on the votes of European Union member states. France, owner and manager of the 2nd worlds largest maritime domain and among those responsible for the future of cetaceans must have her say. And must say no.