Plundering, Trade and Cruelty

Vivants ou morts, entiers ou en morceaux, les animaux sauvages sont une marchandise ordinaire à vendre au plus offrant jusqu’à l’extinction de l’espèce. Les réseaux criminels s’enracinent, s’enrichissent et se mondialisent. La faune est traquée pour décorer, habiller, faire bander, guérir, divertir et se nourrir. Un cauchemar. Depuis juillet 2013, Robin des Bois publie « A la Trace », trimestriel unique sur le braconnage et la contrebande de la faune sauvage, sur les risques sanitaire du commerce international et sa cruauté. La disparition progressive de la faune sauvage prive la Terre de ses plus belles couleurs.

“On the Trail” n°27 – the defaunation bulletin

7 Jul 2020

“On the Trail” n°27  – the defaunation bulletin

“On the Trail” n°27
The defaunation bulletin
773 events from the 1st October to the 31th December, 2019
460 source
132 pages, 9.5 Mo (pdf)

Orangutans always knocked down
The orangutans are brought down by palm oil, clearing fires and retaliation from small and large producers. The rescuers do not know which way to turn and during these months of ashes and want for the adult and baby orangutans, the Nutella maker poses in a suit with a big smile on the front page: “We’re coming out of the Covid-19 crisis even stronger. During the stay at home order, we all ate Nutella”. The orangutans hate it. To be found pages 66 to 68.

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24 Jun 2020


Trash ships
With one hand, the European Union bans them from its ports because they are dangers publics, with the other one it allows them to be in the trade over and over again in the Eastern Mediterranean, the Black Sea, the Maghreb or faraway seas. Among the facilitators of this tragic double game for crews and damaging to the environment are 7 classification societies based in Greece, Cyprus, Bulgaria and the United Kingdom (1).

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(Français) Covid-19 : un léopard se confine dans un ex-tanker français

5 May 2020

(Français) Covid-19 : un léopard se confine dans un ex-tanker français

Only in French.

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Pangolin + Covid-19 – “On the Trail” Special Edition

30 Apr 2020

Pangolin + Covid-19 – “On the Trail” Special Edition

“On the Trail”
The defaunation bulletin
Covid-19 Special Edition

25 pages, 8.3 Mo

– Preliminary report on the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on terrestrial and marine wildlife.
– Pangolin trafficking ante Covid-19 from the 1st October to the 31st December, 2019, and post Covid-19 from the 1st January to the 31st March, 2020. With maps.

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“On the Trail” n°26 – the defaunation bulletin

30 Apr 2020

“On the Trail” n°26 – the defaunation bulletin
“On the Trail” n°26,
The defaunation bulletin
739 events from the 1st July to the 30th September, 2019
470 source of information
116 pages, 13 Mo
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(Français) Des requins passagers clandestins

13 Apr 2020

(Français) Des requins passagers clandestins

Only in French.

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Pangolin, business as usual

3 Apr 2020

Pangolin, business as usual

Seizure on 31 March 2020 of 6.16 tons of pangolin scales with an estimated value of 17.9 million US$ or 2,900 US$/kg. The final destination could only be China. Wildlife smuggling always goes to the country with the highest demand and the highest bidder (cf. Robin des Bois’ “ Atlas of the Business of Endangered Species “, published by Arthaud in October 2019, in French only).

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(Français) Animaux sauvages et risques sanitaires

17 Mar 2020

Only in French.

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“On the Trail” n°25 – the defaunation bulletin

9 Jan 2020

“On the Trail” n°25 – the defaunation bulletin

“On the Trail“ n°25
the defaunation bulletin
pdf, 124 pages – 10.8 Mo

The true novel of poaching and smuggling around the world
924 events from the 1st April to the 30 of June 2019

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(Français) Les animaux et la Première Guerre Mondiale

9 Jan 2020

(Français) Les animaux et la Première Guerre Mondiale

Only in French.

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