“On the Trail” n°8
“On the Trail” n°8 is now available.
Information and analysis bulletin on animal poaching and smuggling
The wildlife crime scene of January, February and March 2015 through 500 events across the 5 continents. 108 pages PDF, 5MB
Rhinoceroses, elephants and mammoths, pages 56 to 90
An immersion in the war of rhino horn and ivory, a focus on the latest tricks of traffickers who hide ivory in medical plaster or milk powder, stuff reptiles and frogs in books for children and cigarette packet, paint leopard skins in tiger skins to maximize profits. An encounter with torn families of poachers, with teachers, scholars and vicars who teach and preach during the day and traffic at night…
“On the Trail” n°8
“On the Trail” n°8 is now available.
Information and analysis bulletin on animal poaching and smuggling
The wildlife crime scene of January, February and March 2015 through 500 events across the 5 continents. 108 pages PDF, 5MB
Birds, pages 20 to 28
An immersion in the war of rhino horn and ivory, a focus on the latest tricks of traffickers who hide ivory in medical plaster or milk powder, stuff reptiles and frogs in books for children and cigarette packet, paint leopard skins in tiger skins to maximize profits. An encounter with torn families of poachers, with teachers, scholars and vicars who teach and preach during the day and traffic at night…
“On the Trail” n°8
“On the Trail” n°8 is now available.
Information and analysis bulletin on animal poaching and smuggling
The wildlife crime scene of January, February and March 2015 through 500 events across the 5 continents. 108 pages PDF, 5MB
Seahorses, sea cucumbers, corals and fishes, pages 3 to 6
An immersion in the war of rhino horn and ivory, a focus on the latest tricks of traffickers who hide ivory in medical plaster or milk powder, stuff reptiles and frogs in books for children and cigarette packet, paint leopard skins in tiger skins to maximize profits. An encounter with torn families of poachers, with teachers, scholars and vicars who teach and preach during the day and traffic at night…
“Shipbreaking” # 39
– A 46 km long convoy left to be broken up in January /February/March 2015 (compared to 38 km in the last quarter of 2014).
– Kuito, the radioactive mammoth beached for demolition in Aliaga, Turkey, is raising concerns (p. 60). The oil industry is exposed to enhanced naturally occurring radioactivity. Crude oil has a high content of radium. Radium scales concentrate in pumps, pipes and tanks upstream of the refining process. Their concentrations may reach up to 15.000 Bq/gr. They are long-lived radioactive waste. The dismantling of a FPSO unit expose the shipbreaking yards workers to internal and external contaminations. The Turkish nuclear safety authority is on its guard.
Hong Kong and elephants
HONG KONG and PARIS (14 April 2015) — Today, a coalition of 51 NGOs coordinated by Robin des Bois and WildAid Hong Kong co-signed and sent a letter to Wong Kam-sing, Hong Kong’s Secretary for the Environment, demanding that the Hong Kong Government stop issuing any new import licenses and re-export licenses for pre-Convention elephant ivory (the letter pdf).
What does this mean, and how might this action help save Africa’s elephants?
The European Union is the primary exporter of alleged pre-Convention ivory, much of it imported by Hong Kong with the ultimate destination being mainland China ivory carving factories. This is facilitating an illegal ivory trade that’s fueling an elephant poaching epidemic in Africa.
Hong Kong and elephants
HONG KONG and PARIS (14 April 2015) — Today, a coalition of 51 NGOs coordinated by Robin des Bois and WildAid Hong Kong co-signed and sent a letter to Wong Kam-sing, Hong Kong’s Secretary for the Environment, demanding that the Hong Kong Government stop issuing any new import licenses and re-export licenses for pre-Convention elephant ivory (the letter pdf).
What does this mean, and how might this action help save Africa’s elephants?
The European Union is the primary exporter of alleged pre-Convention ivory, much of it imported by Hong Kong with the ultimate destination being mainland China ivory carving factories. This is facilitating an illegal ivory trade that’s fueling an elephant poaching epidemic in Africa.