Simon, from North Lincolnshire, UK, has identified the mystery-ship Hassan 1 beached for demolition in Pakistan (Cf Ship-breaking # 37, p 27): she is actually the ex-Chariot Bulker, a bulk carrier built in 1977 in Japan.
Hassan 1 is no longer a mystery. She is no stranger either. In 1999, her name was Maria K. On December 10th, 1999, she left the port of Saint-Nazaire (France) bound for England. She came back to Saint-Nazaire the day after due to bad weather conditions and was anchored there. She then dragged her anchor, was not loaded and represented a hazard and a pollution risk in case she hit the sea bottom. A pilot boat was supporting her, a harbor tug from the port of Saint-Nazaire, the Saint-Denis, was ready to take action.
March 2007 © Frafo / Shipspotting |
August 2014 © Shahid |
In the late hours of December 11th, 1999, Maria K was the main concern for the French Maritime Authorities in Brest, the MRCC Etel and the Port of Saint-Nazaire. She had all their attention to the detriment of another ship in trouble, the Erika. Erika broke in two on December 12th and was the cause of an oil spill impacting hundreds of kms on the French coastline.
The ship’s file in the EQUASIS database was updated on October 28th, 2014: she is now called “Hasan 1”, unknown flag, unknown classification society and unknown last owner.
Hassan 1 (ex-He Rong, ex-Gastone, ex-Maria K, ex-Maria, ex-Chariot Bulker, ex-Centurion Bulker). IMO 7519000. Bulk carrier. Length 182 m, 7,101 t. Panamanian flag until June 2013. Built in 1977 in Maizuru (Japan) by Hitachi. Detained in 2006 in Limassol (Cyprus) and Alexandria (Egypt). Beached for demolition in Pakistan.