Notre-Dame de Paris, press release n°2
The screed that had fallen on the ruined cathedral cracked Saturday, April 27, 2019 * after the release of a statement co-signed by the Regional Health Agency of Ile-de-France, the prefect police station and the prefecture of Ile-de-France. The three signatories confirm lead pollution attributed to the fire of Notre-Dame de Paris.
By necessity, these pollutions are described as “very localized”. The experts from the Central Laboratory of the Prefecture of Paris did not have the time, the means or the human resources sufficient to make inspections in all the apartments, businesses, and public and private gardens affected initially by the fallout from the toxic plume of smoke in the west of Paris, particularly in the 1st, 6th and 7th arrondissements, and secondly contaminated by the flight of dust, ashes, and swirling soot scattered around the burned historic building.
The fact remains that this release paves the way for a monitoring protocol and the further testing of samples as well as a device dedicated to the safety of all employees who had to intervene on the site. Several other corporations are concerned, as cleaners of the city of Paris continue even now to sweep the area around Notre Dame without special care.
From Robin des Bois’ point of view, it also appears necessary to inspect the lead content of the sediments and fish from the Seine.
The report released by the State services follows the alert Robin des Bois provided April 19. This alert was revived on April 23rd and consolidated by letters sent to the Ministers of Culture, of Ecological and Solidary Transition, of Social Affairs and Employment, of Health and Solidarity, the Regional Health Agency Ile-de-France and Airparif.
Robin des Bois believes that until then, the health and potential environmental risks in the heart of a city of several million inhabitants, workers, and tourists had been forgotten and put aside.
Robin des Bois has since yesterday received questions from residents of the cathedral. The NGO responded with several common-sense recommendations that are not intended to replace those of public authorities and the mayor of Paris. It is essential that after this first official report, an information platform and a practical guide be accessible as soon as possible in order to respond to the questions and concerns of the worried public. An emergency hotline coordinated by the Paris City Hall and the ARS is needed.
The bill for the restoration and conservation of the Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris, and in particular Article 9, which authorizes “exemptions or adaptations applying to the protection of the environment and the evacuation and treatment of waste” is an incentive to put others in collective danger. Robin des Bois calls on all MPs and senators to oppose Article 9 of this emergency law.
* Curiously, the release is dated today, Monday, April 29.
Formal news (only in French):
Communiqué de presse de la Préfecture de Police de Paris, de l’ARS Ile-de-France et de la Préfecture d’Ile-de-France, 27 avril 2019
Communiqué de presse de la Préfecture de Police de Paris et de l’ARS Ile-de-France, 9 mai 2019
Link to Robin des Bois’ publications on the Notre-Dame de Paris fire.