Résultat de la recherche pour Grande America

The Cruising industry Hits the Wall

1 Jan 2013

Costa Concordia – Press release # 5

The refloating of the Costa Concordia should have taken place at the end of 2012, followed by its removal to a port of demolition (or to a submarine graveyard?) in January of 2013. The work of the Italian-American consortium between Titan Salvage and Micoperi was estimated at a cost of 300 million US$. Complications arose with the project and both the time and budget were drawn out. The unforeseen hardness of the undersea granite slows down the setting up of the platform needed to remove the ship. The workers and the Italian authorities are now looking at retrieval in 2014.  In the meantime, the wreck on the rocks experiences the pressure of the sea on its exterior and the one of 100,000 tons of polluted water on its interior.  The risk of the ship dislodging is increasing.  Should the removal of the ship take place according to plan, two key points demand clarification: 1. The methods of treating the water and waste on the interior of the wreck, and 2. The destination of the wreck. Italy has not displayed the ability to properly dismantle ships. The Costa Allegra was sent to the junk-yard in Turkey (1). The transport ferry Repubblica di Amalfi from Grimaldi Lines is still awaiting demolition in India. Thirty-seven ships belonging to Italian companies such as Ignazio Messina, Stradeblu, BM Shipping and SNAV headed for the junk-yard in 2012. Not a single one was demolished in Italy: 19 went to India, 10 to Turkey and 7 to Bangladesh.

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Destruction of Syrian Chemical Weapons

26 Dec 2013

Destruction of Syrian Chemical Weapons

Update January 3, 2014 – 10:15 AM

Treatment of Syrian chemical substances onboard the American ship Cape Ray is a default solution. It follows Northern European countries’ refusal to directly dispose of the precursor chemical ammunition in specialized facilities (*). This operation on the high seas would install industrialization of the world’s oceans.

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Destruction of Syrian Chemical Weapons

26 Dec 2013

Destruction of Syrian Chemical Weapons

Update January 3, 2014 – 10:15 AM

Treatment of Syrian chemical substances onboard the American ship Cape Ray is a default solution. It follows Northern European countries’ refusal to directly dispose of the precursor chemical ammunition in specialized facilities (*). This operation on the high seas would install industrialization of the world’s oceans.

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Inventory of War Remains of Atlantique-Manche Regions from January 1, 2008 to December 31

2 Jun 2014

Inventory of War Remains of Atlantique-Manche Regions from January 1, 2008 to December 31

Inventory of War Remains

Atlantique-Manche Regions

January 1, 2008 – December 31, 2013

Special D-Day Commemoration

June 2014


Weapons in the inventory
Sanitary and environmental risk
Inventory of War Remains from January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2013 with maps:

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Destruction of Syrian Chemical Weapons n°4

11 Jun 2014

Destruction of Syrian Chemical Weapons n°4

Since the beginning of the year two vessels, loaded with agents for chemical weapons, have been rocking and rolling in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. There exact location is confidential. The Ark Futura is a 180 meter long RoRo ship operating under the Danish flag. The crew is multinational. The Taiko is a 262 meter long RoRo ship operating under the Norway International flag. In the case of a collision or fire this type of vessel, which can be likened to a floating parking lot, is very vulnerable and will sink quickly.

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Destruction of Syrian Chemical Weapons n°4

11 Jun 2014

Destruction of Syrian Chemical Weapons n°4

Since the beginning of the year two vessels, loaded with agents for chemical weapons, have been rocking and rolling in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. There exact location is confidential. The Ark Futura is a 180 meter long RoRo ship operating under the Danish flag. The crew is multinational. The Taiko is a 262 meter long RoRo ship operating under the Norway International flag. In the case of a collision or fire this type of vessel, which can be likened to a floating parking lot, is very vulnerable and will sink quickly.

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(Français) Crash Test, résisteront-elles ? – 2015

15 Apr 2015

(Français) Crash Test, résisteront-elles ? – 2015
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(Français) Série noire et marées noires

6 Jan 2017

Only in French.

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“On the Trail” n°17

1 Aug 2017

“On the Trail” n°17
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“On the Trail” n°17

1 Aug 2017

“On the Trail” n°17

“On the Trail” n°17
Quarterly information and analysis bulletin on animal poaching and smuggling
764 events. April 1 to June 30, 2017
128 pages illustrated
4,4 Mo
Original in French
Seahorses, corals, Abalones, queen conches, horse’s hoof clams, trochus, sea cucumbers, fishes, pages 4 to 13

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