Satellite and aerial photos show that hydrocarbons are visually present in the basins at the Fukushima Daiichi power plant and without doubt so are visually unidentifiable radioactive liquids. This pollution comes from soil leaching and the breakdown of equipment and pipelines. Nuclear power plants need gasoline to function and especially to operate the emergency generators.
In these circumstances the cooling systems are beyond repair. Moreover cooling water polluted by hydrocarbons is unusable. Oil spills are also a menace from the exterior to nuclear power plants as is marine litter as it can clog up the filter drums.
After attentively examining the photos available, it is difficult to distinguish the damage which was caused by the earthquake, by the wave, or by the explosions. If the tsunami was of such a large scale in on the Fukushima Daiichi site how is it that a crane on the edge of the quay resisted?
Today, AREVA sent radiographic protection equipment to Japan. Robin des Bois is reproaching AREVA for sending for over 10 years nuclear fuel boosted with plutonium (MOX – Mixed Oxide) to Fukushima without taking into account the seismic risks to the reactors and electrical equipment.
The reactor N°3 is leaking a lot of plutonium.
The French Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN) does not evoke the risks related to internal contamination through the ingestion of radioactive food. If one considers France as a hexagonal fortress, the technical support of French nuclear power omits to demand long term control of the products, from the Northern Pacific and the Arctic Ocean which in the current meteorological circumstances are Fukushima’s dump.
The so called hopeful light at the end of the tunnel hailed by the authorities and the politicians are but flickering candles.