Posts Tagged "CICTA"

ICCAT – Press release #1

16 Nov 2010

The International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas and its adjacent seas – ICCAT.
17th -27th November Paris

Bluefin tuna, albacore, yellowfin tuna, bigeye tuna, marlin and swordfish are just some of the numerous species directly concerned by ICCAT, created in 1966 in order to maintain the populations of tuna and tuna-like fishes “at levels which will permit the maximum sustainable catch for food and other purposes.” ICCAT’s area covers the Atlantic Ocean and adjacent seas such as the Mediterranean. This Commission also deals with species caught in association with fisheries targeting tuna such as the blue shark and porbeagle.

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(Français) De l’utilité des cachalots morts

22 Mar 2010

Only in French.

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(Français) Filets dérivants. REACTIONS

22 Dec 1993

Only in French.

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