The Samaratin Whale
Japan has asked for a new item to be put on the agenda at the 56th International Whaling Commission in Sorrento this week; “future sustainable whaling – full utilization of harvested whales”. The admitted aim of this maneuver – which leaves more than one Party perplexed – is to review the history of past whaling, especially in the Antarctic Ocean, by underlining the possible uses of all whale parts. To do this Japan refers to sustainable development and Article VIII 2 of the founding Convention of the IWC, which stipulates that “any whales taken under these special permits (scientific permits) shall so far as praticable be processed and the proceeds shall be dealt with in accordance with directions issued by the Government by which the permit was granted”.
Condemn or condone ?
The International Whaling Commission (IWC) continues to be one of the most contentious international Conventions of the Parties around. While countries such as New Zealand, Australia, Monaco, France, Italy, the USA and the United Kingdom promote survival of the species, the agenda of it’s Asian contingency focuses on loose ocean governance and industrial fishing success based on their relatively easy pooling of the votes (1) of African, Caribbean and other developing countries.
For a Whale Sanctuary in the Arctic Ocean
The Southern Ocean Sanctuary adopted at the I.W.C’s 46th meeting reinforces the global moratorium on commercial whaling and completes the Indian Ocean Sanctuary.
It is time now to create a sanctuary for whales in the northern hemisphere.
Creation of a circumpolar Arctic Ocean Sanctuary would insure protection for northern whale populations under the responsibility of the I.W.C.
The creation of a northern sanctuary should not represent any problem as none of the northern I.W.C. member states opposed adoption of the southern sanctuary, (i.e : Norway, Denmark, Finland, Russian Federation, Sweden and United States).