Posts Tagged "poisson"

The radioactive contamination of fish

25 Mar 2011

The French and European authorities don’t appear to have grasped all the difficulties raised by the control of fish and other seafood products likely to have been contaminated by atmospheric deposits and liquid radioactive matter in the coastal and deep sea regions of the North West Pacific. This is the most productive area in the world. It is exploited by fleets from Japan, China, South Korea, Taiwan and Russia. IUU fishing – illegal, non-declared and non-regulated – is very active here.

Global catches are approximately 20 million tonnes per year. Catches of Japanese anchovy and mackerel reach 1.5 million tonnes and 900 thousand tonnes per year respectively. Squid, cuttlefish and octopus catches are in the order of 1 million tonnes per year, and Japanese calamari and scallops are in the order of 1 million tonnes and 200 thousand tonnes per year respectively.

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The radioactive contamination of fish

25 Mar 2011

The French and European authorities don’t appear to have grasped all the difficulties raised by the control of fish and other seafood products likely to have been contaminated by atmospheric deposits and liquid radioactive matter in the coastal and deep sea regions of the North West Pacific. This is the most productive area in the world. It is exploited by fleets from Japan, China, South Korea, Taiwan and Russia. IUU fishing – illegal, non-declared and non-regulated – is very active here.

Global catches are approximately 20 million tonnes per year. Catches of Japanese anchovy and mackerel reach 1.5 million tonnes and 900 thousand tonnes per year respectively. Squid, cuttlefish and octopus catches are in the order of 1 million tonnes per year, and Japanese calamari and scallops are in the order of 1 million tonnes and 200 thousand tonnes per year respectively.

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(Français) Pêche en Ile-de-France : les poissons ne sont plus consommables

18 May 2010

Only in French.

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(Français) Pêche en Ile-de-France : les poissons ne sont plus consommables

18 May 2010

Only in French.

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Swimming at the Paris PCBeach

12 May 2010

To cope with the inertia of the prefect of police of Paris and the mayors of Paris and the Parisian suburbs, Robin des Bois (Robin Hood) informs the urban fishermen that the barbells, roaches, eels, breams, rudds, brills, chubs and the gudgeons who were the subject of a sampling and PCB analysis contain elevated concentrations of these cancerous micro pollutants and endocrinal disrupters.

This information is available on the site (French only) and merit an attentive reading to which the experts at Robin des Bois are dedicated. The results of this active sampling campaign by the Minister for Ecology confirm the worries of Robin des Bois. In effect, for some years, and notably in its fourth edition of “The Atlas of Inland Sites Polluted by PCB,” published in February 2010, the NGO speaks of the “Parisian miracle,” thanks to which the fish, by swimming in the PCB, could be exempt from its effects.

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