Lyubov Orlova – Press release # 4
Lyubov Orlova – Press release # 4
If the latest news transmitted by the US maritime information services are confirmed, the Lyubov Orlova is closer to the American shores than the European ones.
Consequently, Robin des Bois asks Canada to initiate and finance all operational means in order to recapture the vessel and bring her back in a place of refuge. Thereafter, Canada, where the Lyubov Orlova had been seized in September 2010 and later on abandoned, should propose a new dismantling plan, different from the initial one. Scrapping the Lyubov Orlova in a unreliable ship-breaking yard in the Dominican Republic would be an additional scandal indeed.
Space Waste – 2011
Robin des Bois published a 62 page report (pdf 4,1 Mo) on “Space Waste” including illustrations and maps. This report is the first inventory to be published by an environmental NGO on space waste, the associated risks for space activities, for Earth and the interplanetary environment.
Introduction: The Space race has managed a significant achievement. In 50 years, humanity has sent tons of waste from Earth to space. “The ocean above” as Victor Hugo called it is a victim of industrial pollution of a new genre, striking, proliferating and long lasting it is of the same nature as the pollution of our worldly ocean riddled with plastic polystyrene and hydrocarbon waste however space waste is much harder to recuperate….Read more: “Space Waste”