On the Trail n°32 – the defaunation bulletin

12 Apr 2022

On the Trail n°32 – the defaunation bulletin

On the Trail n°32 – January, February, March and April, 2021
pdf, 306 pages – 24 Mo

We leave no endangered wild animal by the wayside.
Our team of profilers has been scrutinising photos of the cruelties, the attacks on the diversity, beauty and musicality of the Earth. From goldfinches to tigers, animals go through torture and then receive the posthumous glory of being sold online or in markets, or they end up imprisoned for life.
We also identified, compiled and analysed newspaper articles, social media posts and videos, customs and police news releases on poaching at sea, in trees and swamps, and on smuggling at sea ports, air terminals, bus and railways stations.
So, we went around the world in 120 days – from January to April 2021 – and discovered, in the containers and luggage compartments of big and small human affairs, thousands of sharks, peacocks and lions, with only fins, feathers and bones remaining.
On the border between Viet Nam and China, a truck was even spotted at night carrying big bags of pangolin scales and human hair. In the first 4 months of 2021, at least 11 tons of pangolin scales were seized, which corresponds to at least 30,000 specimens.

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