Après l’affaire du porte-avions Clemenceau, Robin des Bois a voulu y voir clair dans le monde de la démolition et du recyclage des vieux navires de commerce et militaires en fin de vie. A cet effet, un bulletin trimestriel d’information et d’analyses a été mis en chantier et lancé en 2006. Chaque numéro de « A la casse », « Shipbreaking » en version anglaise, est un tour du monde des meilleures techniques disponibles et beaucoup plus nombreuses des pires techniques disponibles. Un gros succès éditorial épluché par les spécialistes du monde entier.

(Français) Mystère dans le port de Marseille

20 Jul 2012

Only in French.

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“Shipbreaking” # 27

3 May 2012

“Shipbreaking” # 27

“Shipbreaking” # 27, Robin des Bois’ periodical bulletin on ship demolition is available.

This edition contains inventories on the rush towards Asia of ships to be broken up, the prices of metal by country, portraits of the ex-Exxon Valdez and of the Pacific Princess gone for demolition in India and Turkey and the presentation of a ship-breaking facility project in Senegal.

74 pages of information and photos to discover the world of sea and shipping. (pdf – 3,9 Mo)

Pacific Princess, the Love Boat is not enternaining anymore

ALC27-lion de mer_Akademik Vavilov_RoindesBoisA sea lion loses a place of refuge on the Akademik Vavilov © Marinetraffic # 27

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2011 “Shipbreaking” collection

7 Feb 2012

1020 ships for scrap in 2011, a new record

Unit Tonnage of scrap metal Category

1 India 458 (45%)

2 Bangladesh 145 (14%)

3 China, 142 (14%)

4 Pakistan, 108 (11%),

5 Turkey, 72 (7%),

6 United States, 19 (2%)

1 India 3,5 million t (43%)

2 Bangladesh 1,6 million t (19%)

3 China, 1,4 million t (17%)

4 Pakistan 1 million t (13%)

5 Turkey 206.000 t (3%)

6 United States 131.000 (1%)

1 bulk carrier: 334 (33%)

2 general cargo: 234 (23%)

3 tankers : 209 (20%)

4 reefers : 50 (5%)

5 container ship : 48 (5%)

For the third consecutive year, cleaning continues in the shipping world as over one thousand ships are disposed of. With 1020 units going for scrap, 2011 beats the 2009 record (1,006 ships). The demolition market grew by 7% compared to the previous year in terms of the number of ships and by 27% by volume of recycled metal. The size of the scrapped vessels is significantly greater with 268 ships over 200m against 168 in 2010. 24 vessels over 300m in length were sent for scrap among which two thirds of tankers and particularly double hulled VLCCs (Very Large Crude Carriers) some as young as 13 to 16 years of age.

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« Shipbreaking » # 26

7 Feb 2012

« Shipbreaking » # 26

Farewell to Melquiades-Ville de  Nantes, to the ex-Saint Clair, to the radioactive Pacific Sandpiper , and to 171 other vessels sent for demolition in November and December 2011. Latest photos of SeaFrance Cezanne being demolished on the beach at Alang.

« Shipbreaking » # 26 (pdf – 3,90 Mo)

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When Life Gives You Bremens…

12 Jan 2012

When Life Gives You Bremens…

The cutting out of the cargo ship is a provocation regarding every observer endowed with common sense. The photos of the demolition demonstrate that even while the wreckage has its keel in the water, the shearing continues. The images of the polluted scrap metal floating in the sea water are overwhelming. They prove that the idea men and the workers on site disregard the marine environment, underestimating the effects of the contamination of the ecosystem and of the neighbouring marine communities by micro-pollutants from lead paint and operational residue from the ship itself. This shearing phase of the ship in the waves is comparable to rinsing scrap metal in the sea.

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TK Bremen: Robin Des Bois draws out a prefectural mandate on emergency conservation efforts.

9 Jan 2012

Following the Robin des Bois press conference this morning at 10:00 AM at Brest, the prefecture of Morbihan made public on their website at 2:34 PM the prefectural mandate regarding emergency conservation efforts surrounding the worksite for the deconstruction of the cargo ship TK Bremen. The recipient of this prefectural mandate is the ship owner, Blue Atlantic Shipping, ltd. based in Malta.

Robin des Bois estimates that the emergency conditions invoked by the prefecture are intended to precipitate work upon the demolition of the TK Bremen, to know the fragility of the hull, are not one in the same. If there is an emergency, it is to erase as fast as possible the traces of errors made at the time of the casting off of the ship and its navigation in the afternoon of December 15, 2011 and the night of the 16th.

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The TK Bremen Situation

9 Jan 2012

A Demolition Derby

The demolition of the TK Bremen on French territory is a spectacular example of the administrative simplification so dear to the government. The dumping of this industrial waste amounting to 2,000 tons is containing asbestos in several forms, polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB), hydrocarbon traces, lead paint, mercury and tin are not submitted to French and European control’s temporary authorization for a Classified Facility for the Protection of the Environment. The guidelines of the Bale Convention and the International Maritime Organization on the dismantlement of ships are not being respected. Robin des Bois requests that the prefect of Morbihan, the maritime prefecture, and the labor inspectors publish the map of dangerous waste present on the TK Bremen, if it exists.

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Everything about TK Bremen

21 Dec 2011

Everything about TK Bremen

TK Bremen(ex-Melinau Satu, ex-Melinau, ex-Elm). OMI 8113487. Marchandises diverses. Longueur 109 m. Pavillon Malte. Société de classification Bureau Veritas. Construit en 1982 à Pusan (Corée du Sud) par Dae Sun SB & E Co. Son armateur turc Adriyatik GemiIsletmeciligi contrôle 8 navires, tous sous pavillon maltais, construits entre 1982 et 1985. Chacun d’entre eux est officiellement la propriété de « single ship companies » sauf dans le cas du TK Bremen où il s’agit d’une « double ship company », la Blue Atlantic Shipping, également détentrice du TK London. Les dommages financiers provoqués par la dérive et l’échouage du TK Bremen seront à la charge de cette seule compagnie basée dans l’Union Européenne, à Malte.

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A Cargo Ship on the Beach

17 Dec 2011

In referring to Article R 304-11 of the Code of Maritime Ports (1), the Port Authority of the port of Lorient – Morbihan – could have proceeded with the postponement of the departure of the TK Bremen. In effect, this 30 year-old ship had reached the age of demolition. She presented numerous deficiencies. The absence of panels on the entire hold, as was demonstrated before by aerial photos – might be one more of them. The ship had been recently detained in a Russian port and its Turkish ship owner, proprietor of two older ships, did not immediately furnish all of the guarantees of reliability. The profile of the TK Bremen was such that those responsible for the security and of the traffic of the port of Lorient should have, in view of the imminent dangers about to confront them in a dangerous maritime environment rich in marine life, banned its departure.

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Another SeaFrance Scandal

16 Nov 2011

The CFDT Union is occupying all SeaFrance ferries at Calais. However, the Union allowed SeaFrance Cezanne and SeaFrance Renoir to head toward Alang. Economically, it was a good deal. Whoever would be the buyer for SeaFrance, he would not assume responsibility for the dismantling of the two polluted ferries in Europe. On the other hand, the sale of Sea France Cezanne and Sea France Renoir brought SeaFrance, a subsidiary of SNCF, around € 7 million.

Scrapping at Alang in India proved to be a good deal for the buyer of SeaFrance, and his pocket, if one.

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