Maritime Safety, including Container-Ships

Les grands voiliers transportaient de la soie, du camphre, de la cannelle. Aujourd’hui, les géants des mers transportent du nucléaire en bonbonnes, du chimique en citernes, du gaz en cuves. Ils sont des sites Seveso transocéaniques. Gigantisme, cargaisons dangereuses, pavillons sous-normes, car-ferries poubelles, équipages novices au bout du rouleau ou de la routine : le transport maritime est un cruel pourvoyeur de pertes humaines, le vecteur caché des risques industriels et une source quotidienne de pertes de marchandises en mer.

Ukraine : Robin des Bois keeps a close watch on grain

2 Aug 2022

Ukraine : Robin des Bois keeps a close watch on grain

Update August 9, 2022

Following the exclusive page of Robin des Bois making an inventory of all the cargo ships stucked in the ports of the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov (20th of April 2022), the Paris-based NGO publishes from today detailed information on bulk carriers leaving or approaching the ukrainian ports in the context of the international agreement on the freedom of trade in grain and other agri-food products from Ukraine.

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(Français) Sète expédie ses déchets à Brest

1 Jul 2022

(Français) Sète expédie ses déchets à Brest

Only in French.

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(Français) Le départ du Rio Tagus, un festival estival de plus pour l’Occitanie

21 Jun 2022

(Français) Le départ du Rio Tagus, un festival estival de plus pour l’Occitanie

Only in French.

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(Français) Le gaz russe avance masqué – suite

26 Apr 2022

(Français) Le gaz russe avance masqué – suite

Only in French.

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Ukraine/Russia. Exclusive: cargo ships and sailors hostages of the war

20 Apr 2022

Ukraine/Russia. Exclusive: cargo ships and sailors hostages of the war

August 2, 2022 update: detailed information on bulk carriers leaving or approaching the ukrainian ports in the context of the international agreement on the freedom of trade in grain and other agri-food products from Ukraine linked

93 merchant ships are trapped in the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov. Transit would risk exposing them to bombing, torpedoing and underwater mining, therefore they are stuck at berth. 81% of the ships docked between February 17th and 23rd arrived at the ports on the eve of the outbreak of the war.

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(Français) Les roublards

7 Apr 2022

Only in French.

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(Français) Arrivée du Clean Planet au terminal gazier de Dunkerque

30 Mar 2022

(Français) Arrivée du Clean Planet au terminal gazier de Dunkerque

Only in French.

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(Français) Le virus russe

25 Mar 2022

(Français) Le virus russe

Only in French.

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Russian gas is covering up

18 Mar 2022

Russian gas is covering up

Ukraine – Press release n°6
11 a. m.

Some ports such as Zeebrugge and Dunkirk no longer systematically report expected ship arrivals on their websites. The port of Nantes-Saint-Nazaire continues to display reliable schedules.

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Despite the tensions, the current flows

7 Mar 2022

Despite the tensions, the current flows

Ukraine – press release n°5. March 7, 2022 – 4:00 pm

Nuclear power: Slovakian power plants fill their tanks
On March 1, an Ilyushin-76TD of Volga-Dnepr Airlines specialized in the transport of heavy load flew over Poland with NATO authorization to transport new nuclear fuel to Slovakia. It left Domodedovo Airport in Moscow, flew around Ukraine, over Belarus and through Polish airspace to land in Bratislava. According to IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) rules, only small urgent packages, such as short-lived radiopharmaceuticals, can be transported by air. The potential crash of an airplane carrying nuclear fuel exposes the population and the environment to considerable risks.

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