Plundering, Trade and Cruelty

Vivants ou morts, entiers ou en morceaux, les animaux sauvages sont une marchandise ordinaire à vendre au plus offrant jusqu’à l’extinction de l’espèce. Les réseaux criminels s’enracinent, s’enrichissent et se mondialisent. La faune est traquée pour décorer, habiller, faire bander, guérir, divertir et se nourrir. Un cauchemar. Depuis juillet 2013, Robin des Bois publie « A la Trace », trimestriel unique sur le braconnage et la contrebande de la faune sauvage, sur les risques sanitaire du commerce international et sa cruauté. La disparition progressive de la faune sauvage prive la Terre de ses plus belles couleurs.

“On the Trail” n°43, the defaunation bulletin

20 Dec 2024

“On the Trail” n°43, the defaunation bulletin

“On the Trail” n°43
Quarterly information and analysis report on endangered animals poaching and smuggling

Poaching is not a movie

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(Français) Paul Watson et les narvals. Groenland

17 Dec 2024

(Français) Paul Watson et les narvals. Groenland

Only in French.

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“On the Trail” n°42, the defaunation bulletin

14 Nov 2024

“On the Trail” n°42, the defaunation bulletin

“On the Trail” n°42
Quarterly information and analysis report on endangered animals poaching and smuggling
(pdf, 177 pages – 5.4 Mo)

1,062 events with references, checked, analysed, commented and strengthened
between September 1 and October 31, 2023.
215 iconographic documents, 7 maps and historical archives.
880 sources.

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“On the Trail” n°41, the defaunation bulletin

6 Aug 2024

“On the Trail” n°41, the defaunation bulletin

“On the Trail” n°41
the defaunation bulletin
(pdf, 230 pages – 7.9 Mo)

1,438 events with references, checked, analysed, commented and strengthened
between June 1 and August 31, 2023.
304 iconographic documents, 11 maps and historical archives.

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“On the Trail” n°40, the defaunation bulletin

6 May 2024

“On the Trail” n°40, the defaunation bulletin

“On the Trail” n°40
the defaunation bulletin
(pdf, 261 pages – 8.2 Mb)

1,532 events with references, checked, analysed, commented and strengthened
between March 1 and May 31, 2023.
376 iconographic documents, 
10 maps and historical archives.

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Frogs : appeal from more than 550 scientists and veterinarians

6 Mar 2024

Frogs : appeal from more than 550 scientists and veterinarians

Trade in frogs’ legs must be curbed, President Macron!

Paris, Munich, March 6, 2024 – In a joint letter, 557 experts from research, nature conservation and veterinary medicine have called on French President Emmanuel Macron to end the overexploitation of frogs in Asia and Southeast Europe for the EU’s hunger for frogs’ legs. France, as the largest consumer, should initiate the international protection of the most traded frog species through the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). The letter is an initiative of Robin des Bois, the Veterinarians for Biodiversity (Vétérinaires pour la Biodiversité) and the German organization Pro Wildlife. A similar request was made by 46 NGOs on January 25 to Mr Béchu, the French Minister for Ecological Transition. So far, this letter has gone unanswered. “Are the French doomed to be froggies? It’s time to remember that frogs are also voluntary helpers for farmers.  When they disappear, pests proliferate and the use of pesticides increases” points out Charlotte Nithart, President of Robin des Bois.

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Frogs’ legs: letter from 42 NGOs to European ministers

26 Jan 2024

Frogs’ legs: letter from 42 NGOs to European ministers

On the initiative of Robin des Bois and Pro Wildlife, 42 NGOs*, including 18 French ones, yesterday wrote to the environment ministers of the 27 EU Member States asking them to put an end to uncontrolled imports of frogs’ legs and to propose, at the next Conference of the Parties to CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) in 2025, the inclusion in Appendix II of frog species whose legs are imported into Europe for culinary purposes. Appendix II enables control of international trade. The NGOs are also calling for imports to be suspended because of the unacceptable and cruel killing methods used. The letter sent is available by clicking on the link.

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(Français) Consultation publique – demande de dérogations permettant la capture de grenouilles rousses

2 Jan 2024

Only in French.

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“On the Trail” n°39, the defaunation bulletin

28 Dec 2023

“On the Trail” n°39, the defaunation bulletin

“On the Trail” n°39
the defaunation bulletin
(pdf, 192 pages – 6.7 Mo)

968 events with references, checked, analysed, commented and strengthened between January 1 and February 28, 2023. 331 iconographic documents, 6 maps and historical archives.
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For a Chrismas eve without extinction: “The frog on your Christmas plate…”

4 Dec 2023

For  a Chrismas eve without extinction: “The frog on your Christmas plate…”

Social media campaign warns of serious environmental problems caused by France’s Christmas consumption peak

Paris / Munich / December 4, 2023 – In the run-up to Christmas, the French based organisation Robin des Bois and the German based organisation Pro Wildlife have launched a joint information campaign on social media to highlight the origin of the millions and millions of frogs’ legs being annually consumed. “French consumers believe the frogs on their plate come from nearby ponds and swamps. Instead, the vast majority is caught in the wild in far distant countries” underlines Charlotte Nithart, president of Robin des Bois. Biologist Sandra Altherr from Pro Wildlife adds: “Our campaign illustrates the many problems associated with a dish that is consumed carelessly but causes an ecological disaster and millions of animal suffering. Where frogs are missing as a natural insect control, the use of pesticides increases.”

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