
Elephants killed and smugglers released

11 Dec 2015

Following an important smuggled ivory seizure in Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris in the luggage of two Vietnamese traffickers, the NGO Robin des Bois and Fondation Brigitte Bardot deplore that this significant action ended up in the almost immediate release of the suspects.
These two individuals were transiting from Angola via Addis-Ababa, Ethiopia and about to leave for Hanoi. They were released after 5 hours police custody.
According to the article L 415-6 of the Environment Code and 132-71 of the Penal Code, they are liable to 7 years imprisonment and 150,000 euros fine.

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Elephants killed and smugglers released

11 Dec 2015

Following an important smuggled ivory seizure in Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris in the luggage of two Vietnamese traffickers, the NGO Robin des Bois and Fondation Brigitte Bardot deplore that this significant action ended up in the almost immediate release of the suspects.
These two individuals were transiting from Angola via Addis-Ababa, Ethiopia and about to leave for Hanoi. They were released after 5 hours police custody.
According to the article L 415-6 of the Environment Code and 132-71 of the Penal Code, they are liable to 7 years imprisonment and 150,000 euros fine.

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Wanted : BBC Shanghai

8 Dec 2015

After unloading on December 5 in Australia what she had loaded on October 14 in France, the BBC Shanghai, an occasional nuclear waste carrier, is now heading for Shanghai. Her owner is German. She is flying the Antigua & Barbuda flag. Her profile is alarming. As soon as she is calling in a port, the BBC Shanghai is targeted by maritime authorities and submitted to a detailed inspection.

Please refer to Robin des Bois press releases :
Radioactive waste – Robin des Bois (Robin Hood) is calling for an intervention by the Australian and French governments, October 10, 2015. 7:45 pm
Radioactive waste – BBC Shanghai at Cherbourg, October 14, 2015
And the map « Das Bato », October 15, 2:00 pm on the performances of the BBC Shanghai

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(Français) Lâchers de ballons : non !

3 Dec 2015

Only in French.

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(Français) Lâchers de ballons : non !

3 Dec 2015

Only in French.

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“On the Trail” n°10

1 Dec 2015

“On the Trail” n°10

“On the Trail” n°10 is now available.
Information and analysis bulletin on animal poaching and smuggling
The wildlife crime scene of July, August and September 2015
80 pages PDF, 5.7 MB

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“On the Trail” n°10

1 Dec 2015

“On the Trail” n°10

“On the Trail” n°10 is now available.
Information and analysis bulletin on animal poaching and smuggling
The wildlife crime scene of July, August and September 2015
80 pages PDF, 5.7 MB
Whales and marine mammals, pages 8 and 9

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“On the Trail” n°10

1 Dec 2015

“On the Trail” n°10

“On the Trail” n°10 is now available.
Information and analysis bulletin on animal poaching and smuggling
The wildlife crime scene of July, August and September 2015

Seahorses,  queen conch, sea cucumbers and sea urchins, corals and fishes,  pages 5 to 8

80 pages PDF, 5.7 MB

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“On the Trail” n°10

1 Dec 2015

“On the Trail” n°10

“On the Trail” n°10 is now available.
Information and analysis bulletin on animal poaching and smuggling

The wildlife crime scene of July, August and September 2015
80 pages PDF, 5.7 MB
Rhinoceroses and elephants, pages 45 to 67

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“On the Trail” n°10

1 Dec 2015

“On the Trail” n°10

“On the Trail” n°10 is now available.
Information and analysis bulletin on animal poaching and smuggling
The wildlife crime scene of July, August and September 2015
80 pages PDF, 5.7 MB
Birds, pages 22 to 27

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