
Destruction of Syrian Chemical Weapons (n°5)

26 Jun 2014

According to the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) the most challenging phase towards the destruction of Syrian chemical weapons has just ended with the removal of the last declared precursors and other chemicals from Syrian soil. This first step was constantly delayed in spite of a good knowledge of the associated risks and the participation by numerous State Parties of the OPCW Convention.

However, the next step will enter into unknown territory. The plan is to neutralise 20 metric tonnes of mustard agent and 540 metric tonnes of sarin precursor at sea.

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Destruction of Syrian Chemical Weapons (n°5)

26 Jun 2014

According to the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) the most challenging phase towards the destruction of Syrian chemical weapons has just ended with the removal of the last declared precursors and other chemicals from Syrian soil. This first step was constantly delayed in spite of a good knowledge of the associated risks and the participation by numerous State Parties of the OPCW Convention.

However, the next step will enter into unknown territory. The plan is to neutralise 20 metric tonnes of mustard agent and 540 metric tonnes of sarin precursor at sea.

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(Français) Erradium

19 Jun 2014

(Français) Erradium

Only in French.

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Robin des Bois’ viewpoint on the importation of HCB from Australia to France

16 Jun 2014

Robin des Bois was consulted by Orica over the possible treatment, at Trédi’s incinerator at Salaise-sur-Sanne (France), of HCB waste stockpiled, since 1991, in Botany situated 8km from Sydney. Two representatives from Robin des Bois gathered information on site at the end of 2013 in order to understand why an industrial firm, located in Australia, an economically developed country, would want to export waste 17,000km away.

It was noted that the 13,800 tonnes of waste is stockpiled in a highly urbanised area. The Botany stockpile is exposed to natural and industrial external threats. The HCB concentration of the stockpile ranges from 0.003% to 89%. Certain waste requires repackaging every 4-5 years. Repackaging operations increase the total weight of the waste by 2.0% on average, per annum. Orica’s stockpile is historical and HCB is no longer produced in Australia.

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(Français) Ex usines à gaz et pollutions en Bretagne

12 Jun 2014

Only in French.

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(Français) Ex usines à gaz et pollutions en Bretagne

12 Jun 2014

Only in French.

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Destruction of Syrian Chemical Weapons n°4

11 Jun 2014

Destruction of Syrian Chemical Weapons n°4

Since the beginning of the year two vessels, loaded with agents for chemical weapons, have been rocking and rolling in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. There exact location is confidential. The Ark Futura is a 180 meter long RoRo ship operating under the Danish flag. The crew is multinational. The Taiko is a 262 meter long RoRo ship operating under the Norway International flag. In the case of a collision or fire this type of vessel, which can be likened to a floating parking lot, is very vulnerable and will sink quickly.

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Destruction of Syrian Chemical Weapons n°4

11 Jun 2014

Destruction of Syrian Chemical Weapons n°4

Since the beginning of the year two vessels, loaded with agents for chemical weapons, have been rocking and rolling in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. There exact location is confidential. The Ark Futura is a 180 meter long RoRo ship operating under the Danish flag. The crew is multinational. The Taiko is a 262 meter long RoRo ship operating under the Norway International flag. In the case of a collision or fire this type of vessel, which can be likened to a floating parking lot, is very vulnerable and will sink quickly.

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(Français) Une marée noire et un risque SEVESO seuil haut

10 Jun 2014

Only in French.

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The horizon and the D-Day beaches threatened by an industrial area

4 Jun 2014

The horizon and the D-Day beaches threatened by an industrial area

The maritime industrial area will cover 50 km2 and will be spiked with 75 monsters, iron and non recyclable composite made and 150 m in wingspan. They will peak 180 m above sea level. The seabed will be drilled by underpinning stakes. The marine sediments will be occupied by a mess of electrical wires. Each machine will weigh at least 1500 tonnes. No wind turbine of this type and power – 6 MW – has ever proved in real conditions its supporting capacity and productivity.

These outrageous projects of construction of wind turbine parks off Noirmoutier, Saint-Nazaire, Saint-Brieuc, D-Day beaches, Fécamp and Le Tréport are promoted and operated by Alstom, Areva and EDF, the very same players which have imposed the nuclear miracle upon France. Caution is the order of the day.

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