On the initiative of Robin des Bois and Pro Wildlife, 42 NGOs*, including 18 French ones, yesterday wrote to the environment ministers of the 27 EU Member States asking them to put an end to uncontrolled imports of frogs’ legs and to propose, at the next Conference of the Parties to CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) in 2025, the inclusion in Appendix II of frog species whose legs are imported into Europe for culinary purposes. Appendix II enables control of international trade. The NGOs are also calling for imports to be suspended because of the unacceptable and cruel killing methods used. The letter sent is available by clicking on the link.
* Robin des Bois, France
Pro Wildlife, Germany
Animals Asia, Hong Kong
Animal Cross, France
Animal Defenders International
Animal Friends Croatia
Animal Protection Agency, United Kingdom
Animal Welfare Institute, USA
ASPAS (Association pour la Protection des Animaux Sauvages), France
AVES (Agir pour le Vivant et les Espèces Sauvages), France
Born Free Foundation, United Kingdom
CATCA Environmental and Wildlife Society, Canada
Code Animal, France
Defenders of Wildlife, USA
Deutsche Juristische Gesellschaft für Tierschutzrecht, Germany
Eesti Loomakaitse Selts, Estonia
Elephant Reintegration Trust, South Africa
Eurogroup for Animal Welfare, Belgium
FAADA (Fundación para el Asesoramineto y Acción en Defensa de los Animales), Spain
Fondation Brigitte Bardot, France
Fondation Franz Weber, Switzerland
Four Paws, Germany
France Nature Environnement, France
France Nature Environnement Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, France
France Nature Environnement Territoire de Belfort, France
Humane Society International / Europe, Belgium
IFAW (International Fund for Animal Welfare), France
LAV (Lega Anti Vivisezione), Italy
LPO (Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux), France
L214, France
Noé, France
One Voice, France
PAZ (Paris Animaux Zoopolis), France
PETA Germany
Renctas, Brazil
“Salamandra”, Polish Society for Nature Conservation, Poland
Secret Bay Project Society, Canada
SNPN (Société Nationale de Protection de la Nature), France
Société Herpétologique de France, France
Species Survival Network, international
Vétérinaires pour la Biodiversité, France
Wild Animal Protection Forum (for its 28 member organisations), South Africa
After the letter was sent to the ministers, the Albert Schweitzer Foundation (Germany), the Animal Welfare Foundation (Germany), C’est Assez ! (France) and GAIA (Belgium) joined in.
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Further information:
- Report “Deadly Dish – role and responsibility of the European Union in the international frogs’ legs trade” (June 2022, pdf, English).
- “The case of France” – Extract from the report (in French, pdf).
- Study (2023): The European Market Remains the Largest Consumer of Frogs’ Legs from Wild Species.
- Study from Turkey (2020): Unsustainable harvest of water frogs in southern Turkey for the European market (Cambridge University Press).
- For a Chrismas eve without extinction: “The frog on your Christmas plate…”, (December 4, 2023) press release
- “Frog Fair” in Vittel: Fast Food, Fast Extinction, (April 17, 2023) press release.