Ukraine – press release n°3. February 28, 2022 – 2 pm.
It is the first time in the world that a nuclearized country is subjected to aerial bombardments of such intensity and to the other complexities of a modern war.
Fifteen nuclear reactors are in operation in Ukraine, all of Russian technology. They require Russian spare parts for their maintenance. Ukraine and Russia are obliged to cooperate in order to ensure their proper functioning as much as possible.
Nuclear reactors and waste repositories are not immune to misfiring or sudden loss of power supply, which could endanger the people and environment of continental Europe and the countries bordering the Black Sea.
Russia, Ukraine and its supporters, including the European Union, must consider this civilian nuclear component in the management of the conflict.
Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission and former German Minister of Defense, hails the financing and delivery of weapons, including missiles, to a country that is a victim of war as a historic turning point. In the case of Ukraine, this “historic turning point” increases the risk of a collateral nuclear accident.
It is necessary that the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency), of which Russia, Ukraine, the United States and all the countries of the European Union are members, urgently imposes the inviolability of nuclear sites in the acts of war that international diplomacy has been unable to prevent.
More on this issue:
Sanctions against Russia: will they dare?, February 24, 2022
The Atom of Discord, 25 February 2022