Posts Tagged "Bangladesh"

(Français) A l’aide du Bangladesh

17 Dec 2014

Only in French.

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SHIPBREAKING – Bulletin of information and analysis on end-of-life ships

25 Oct 2014

2018 – 2017 201620152014201320122011 2010200920082007 –  2006

Ships sent to demolition in 2023

Shipbreaking #71– from October 1, 2023 to April 30, 2024, pdf 97 pages, 16.2 MB

Shipbreaking #70– from April 1 to September 30, 2023, pdf 92 pages, 16.2 Mo

Shipbreaking #69– from January 1 to March 31, 2023, pdf 68 pages, 12.3 Mo

The Borodine in Riga, August 1982. © Yan Tikhonov

Ships sent to demolition in 2022

Shipbreaking #68– from July 1 to December 31, 2022, pdf 101 pages, 19Mo

Shipbreaking #67– from April 1, 2022 to June 30, 2022, pdf 63 pages, 12.3 Mo

Shipbreaking #66– from January 1, 2022 to March 31, 2022, pdf 77 pages, 15,9 Mo

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Latest news : ex-Probo Koala

3 Jun 2011

The Gulf Jash, ex- Probo Koala, is anchored in Halong Bay, Vietnam. Today, June 3rd GMS, U.S. based ship broker, denies ownership of the ship. Under this hypothesis, it is for Dubai based Gulf Navigation, owner of the ex- Probo Koala since 2006, to clarify the conditions of the sale and the destination of the vessel.

In accordance with Robin des Bois’ (“Robin Hood” international association based in Paris) press release published May 17th 2011, the Equasis database displays, since May 31st that the Gulf Jash ex-Probo Koala, the Gulf Ahmadi ex-Probo Bison and the Gulf Shagra ex-Probo Panda are indeed “to be broken up”.

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Latest news : ex-Probo Koala

3 Jun 2011

The Gulf Jash, ex- Probo Koala, is anchored in Halong Bay, Vietnam. Today, June 3rd GMS, U.S. based ship broker, denies ownership of the ship. Under this hypothesis, it is for Dubai based Gulf Navigation, owner of the ex- Probo Koala since 2006, to clarify the conditions of the sale and the destination of the vessel.

In accordance with Robin des Bois’ (“Robin Hood” international association based in Paris) press release published May 17th 2011, the Equasis database displays, since May 31st that the Gulf Jash ex-Probo Koala, the Gulf Ahmadi ex-Probo Bison and the Gulf Shagra ex-Probo Panda are indeed “to be broken up”.

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Latest news : ex-Probo Koala

3 Jun 2011

The Gulf Jash, ex- Probo Koala, is anchored in Halong Bay, Vietnam. Today, June 3rd GMS, U.S. based ship broker, denies ownership of the ship. Under this hypothesis, it is for Dubai based Gulf Navigation, owner of the ex- Probo Koala since 2006, to clarify the conditions of the sale and the destination of the vessel.

In accordance with Robin des Bois’ (“Robin Hood” international association based in Paris) press release published May 17th 2011, the Equasis database displays, since May 31st that the Gulf Jash ex-Probo Koala, the Gulf Ahmadi ex-Probo Bison and the Gulf Shagra ex-Probo Panda are indeed “to be broken up”.

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