Posts Tagged "radioactivité"

(Français) La France prise au piège du plutonium

6 Jul 2018

Only in French.

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Alang Bay under the radioactive threat of 3 European ships

11 Oct 2017

In close succession, Alang Bay, Gujarat State, India, and the workers have welcomed three discarded ships belonging to European ship owners and liable to present “hot spots” of radioactivity.

1- The BBC Shanghai, a general cargo ship. She has been carrying nuclear waste, notably between France and Australia (Cf. “BBC Shanghai, a radioactive risk for Asia”, september 12, 2017)

2- The Atlantic Cartier, built in 1985 in Dunkirk, France. She flies the Swedish flag. She is a Ro Ro container ship able in her initial profile to ship 2100 boxes and 600 cars. She was jumboized in 1987. She suffered a major fire in Hamburg, Germany, during the night of May 1st, 2013.

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“Shipbreaking #41”, July 1 to September 30, 2015, radioactive offshore platforms are landing

29 Oct 2015

“Shipbreaking #41”, July 1 to September 30, 2015, radioactive offshore platforms are landing


Quarterly bulletin of information and analysis on ship demolition

# 41, from July 1 to September 30, 2015 pdf 60 pages. 7 Mo

– Radioactivity in India, in Bangladesh and in Turkey

– Ship demolition : the plunge

– The dismantling of the floating nuclear power plant Sturgis underway in Texas (p 8)

– The CIA spy boat Hughes GlomarExplorer is awaiting demolition (p 18)

– The detailed and highlighted world panorama on the demolition of naval vessel and merchant cargo ships

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Cosmos 954 downfalls – 2015

23 Jan 2015

Cosmos 954 downfalls – 2015

Nuclear Code of Silence

Thirty-seven years ago, the Russian nuclear powered satellite Cosmos 954 returned to Earth during its 2060th revolution. Its debris crashed on the Canadian Far North close to the Arctic. It was the 24th of January 1978, 11h53 Universal Time, 5h53 at Yellowknife on the banks of Great Slave Lake, Northwest Territories Canada.

The decade 1970-1980 is marked by the worldwide launch of nuclear-based electricity. It is the height of the Atoms for Peace campaign launched in the 1950s to erase the horrors of the atomic bombs dropped on Japan. Nuclear for all is on the way.

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Cosmos 954 downfalls

23 Jan 2015

Cosmos 954 downfalls

 Nuclear Code of Silence

Thirty-seven years ago, the Russian nuclear powered satellite Cosmos 954 returned to Earth during its 2060th revolution. Its debris crashed on the Canadian Far North close to the Arctic. It was the 24th of January 1978, 11h53 Universal Time, 5h53 at Yellowknife on the banks of Great Slave Lake, Northwest Territories Canada.

The decade 1970-1980 is marked by the worldwide launch of nuclear-based electricity. It is the height of the Atoms for Peace campaign launched in the 1950s to erase the horrors of the atomic bombs dropped on Japan. Nuclear for all is on the way.

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