War Waste

Les guerres éclatent, les guerres s’arrêtent, les armistices sont signés, les monuments aux morts fleurissent, les souvenirs se fanent, les résidus de la guerre restent et continuent à polluer et à mutiler. La Belgique, la France, à l’épicentre des deux dernières guerres mondiales, l’Allemagne et l’Angleterre hébergent dans leurs sols des milliers de munitions de toutes sortes et de tous calibres, chimiques ou conventionnelles, dégradées et encore actives. Les campagnes et consignes de déminage manquent de souffle et de budget. La filière déchets de guerre est à construire.

80 years later, they are killing and polluting

4 Jun 2024

80 years later, they are killing and polluting

In Normandy, there are at least 60 expressions for different shades of rain. Since D-Day, there has been a 61st one: “bomb rain”. Robin des Bois’ 9th inventory of the discoveries of bombs and other munitions in France and Germany is dedicated to Normandy, a considerable task and a mission that will last several centuries and will surely never end. On 6 June 2024, all heads of State should formally declare war on all bombing.

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Shell abuse

27 May 2024

Shell abuse

On the 80th commemoration of the Normandy landings, Robin des Bois publishes its 9th inventory of discoveries and blasting of unexploded ordnance after the wars.

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(Français) Seveso kaki

11 Apr 2024

(Français) Seveso kaki

Only in French.

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Sea Uprisings

11 Aug 2023

Sea Uprisings

The Atlantic and Mediterranean oceans are severely mutilated by war. At their bottoms lie thousands of unexploded weapons dropped during the last two world wars, or deliberately dumped afterwards. In the past and present, belligerent countries have devoted derisory and intermittent resources to getting rid of the submerged munitions.

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The Cursed Dnieper

9 Jun 2023

The Cursed Dnieper

The earliest terrorist act with the intention to flood a city goes back to the Mongol conqueror Genghis Khan. In 1209, in order to put a quicker end to the siege on Yinchuan, the capital of the Western Xia dynasty (now in north-west China), Genghis Khan set out with his troops to divert a branch of the Huang He, the Yellow River. The makeshift dam broke and the ploy backfired. It was Genghis Khan’s camp that was flooded.

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(Français) Charlie Hebdo et Robin des Bois – 2022

2 Nov 2022

(Français) Charlie Hebdo et Robin des Bois – 2022

Only in French.

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Gas and Gas / Nord Stream and old chemical munitions

6 Oct 2022

Gas and Gas / Nord Stream and old chemical munitions

Did the explosions followed by gas leaks on 26 September 2022 on the pipelines of the international consortium Nord Stream linking Russia and Germany awake, displace or dislocate chemical munitions dumped near or nearby them?

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(Français) Sans complexe, l’ESL America

4 Mar 2020

(Français) Sans complexe, l’ESL America

Only in French.

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(Français) Les animaux et la Première Guerre Mondiale

9 Jan 2020

(Français) Les animaux et la Première Guerre Mondiale

Only in French.

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(Français) Alerte : au moins 3 bombes à retardement à bord du projet de loi économie circulaire

3 Dec 2019

Only in French.

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